North Data API

Programmatic access to the North Data DB.
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Version: 1.196.71
All rights reserved



[ Jump to Models ]

Table of Contents



get /billing/v1/requests
number of unique requests

Query parameters

year (optional)
Query Parameter — year of the billing period (>= 2024) format: int32
month (optional)
Query Parameter — month of the billing period between 1 (January) and 12 ( December) format: int32
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response Billing

get /company/v1/company
Retrieve a company.

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — company name
address (optional)
Query Parameter — company address (you only need to specify the city)
registerId (optional)
Query Parameter — the ID of under which the company is registered, for example HRB 12345
registerCity (optional)
Query Parameter — the city of the court where the company is registered, for example Hamburg
companyId (optional)
Query Parameter — internal company id (do not store this id in an external database, it may change over time)
fuzzyMatch (optional)
Query Parameter — true to find best match (similar name and nearby address)
registerKey (optional)
Query Parameter — key that has been provided via the register uniqueKey field
history (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include historical data
financials (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include financial data
events (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include event data
eventTypes (optional)
Query Parameter — restrict which event types wille be returned if events equals true
maxEvents (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum number of events to return format: int32
relations (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include related company and person data
alwaysResolve (optional)
Query Parameter — true to lookup current state of related company from database
sheets (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include company financial sheets (balance, earnings)
extras (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include extra company data provided by 3rd parties
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response Company

get /company/v1/publications
Retrieve the publications associated with a company.

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — company name
address (optional)
Query Parameter — company address (you only need to specify the city)
registerId (optional)
Query Parameter — the ID of under which the company is registered, for example HRB 12345
registerCity (optional)
Query Parameter — the city of the court where the company is registered, for example Hamburg
companyId (optional)
Query Parameter — internal company id (do not store this id in an external database, it may change over time)
fuzzyMatch (optional)
Query Parameter — true to find best match (similar name and nearby address)
registerKey (optional)
Query Parameter — key that has been provided via the register uniqueKey field
sources (optional)
Query Parameter — DEPRECATED (will be removed at some point of time)
source (required)
Query Parameter — only publications with this source will be returned
content (optional)
Query Parameter — whether to include publication text / html (may significantly slow down response)
attachments (optional)
Query Parameter — whether to include publication attachments (binary, such as images or PDF)
censor (optional)
Query Parameter — should be set when presenting the content on a public website
offset (optional)
Query Parameter — offset of first item to return format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum number of items to return format: int32
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response GenericResponse

get /person/v1/person
Retrieve a person.

Query parameters

firstName (optional)
Query Parameter — first name(s) of a person
lastName (optional)
Query Parameter — last name of a person
address (optional)
Query Parameter — person address (you only need to specify the city)
birthDate (optional)
Query Parameter — birth date format: date
personId (optional)
Query Parameter — internal person id (do not store this id in an external database, it may change over time)
history (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include historical data
relations (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include related company and person data
alwaysResolve (optional)
Query Parameter — true to lookup current state of related company from database
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response Person

get /person/v1/publications
Retrieve the publications associated with a person.

Query parameters

firstName (optional)
Query Parameter — first name(s) of a person
lastName (optional)
Query Parameter — last name of a person
address (optional)
Query Parameter — person address (you only need to specify the city)
birthDate (optional)
Query Parameter — birth date format: date
personId (optional)
Query Parameter — internal person id (do not store this id in an external database, it may change over time)
sources (optional)
Query Parameter — DEPRECATED (will be removed at some point of time)
source (required)
Query Parameter — only publications with this source will be returned
content (optional)
Query Parameter — whether to include publication text / html (may significantly slow down response)
attachments (optional)
Query Parameter — whether to include publication attachments (binary, such as images or PDF)
censor (optional)
Query Parameter — should be set when presenting the content on a public website
offset (optional)
Query Parameter — offset of first item to return format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum number of items to return format: int32
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response GenericResponse

get /pub/v1/publications
Retrieve publications. At most 10 publications are returned with each call. For more, repeat the call setting the pos parameter to the newPos attribute value of the response.

Query parameters

id (optional)
Query Parameter — publication id to get a single publication
minTimestamp (optional)
Query Parameter — minimum datetime publication was added to the database format: date-time
maxTimestamp (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum datetime publication was added to the database format: date-time
minDate (optional)
Query Parameter — DEPRECATED - please use minTimestamp instead format: date
maxDate (optional)
Query Parameter — DEPRECATED - please use maxTimestamp instead format: date
sources (optional)
Query Parameter — DEPRECATED (will be removed at some point of time)
source (required)
Query Parameter — only publications with this source will be returned
content (optional)
Query Parameter — whether to include publication text / html (may significantly slow down response)
attachments (optional)
Query Parameter — whether to include publication attachments (binary, such as images or PDF)
publisherHistory (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include historical data for the publisher
publisherFinancials (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include financial data for the publisher
publisherRelations (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include related company and person data for the publisher
publisherEvents (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include event data for the publisher
publisherExtras (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include extra publisher data provided by 3rd parties
publisherSheets (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include publisher sheets (balance, earnings)
pos (optional)
Query Parameter — if additional results shall be downloaded, set this to the value of the newPos attribute of the previous response
censor (optional)
Query Parameter — should be set when presenting the content on a public website
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response GenericResponse

get /search/v1/power
power search: supports geo and financial criteria

Query parameters

keywords (optional)
Query Parameter — keywords to match in the company's subject
address (optional)
Query Parameter — address or geo coordinates
maxDistanceKm (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum distance from given address format: double
legalForm (optional)
Query Parameter — list of legal forms
segmentCodeStandard (optional)
Query Parameter — name of the segment code standard to use
segmentCodes (optional)
Query Parameter — list of segment codes
indicatorId (optional)
Query Parameter — list of indicator ids for performance filtering (see user guide)
lowerBound (optional)
Query Parameter — list of lower bounds for performance filterings (see user guide) format: double
upperBound (optional)
Query Parameter — list of upper bounds for performance filterings (see user guide) format: double
lowerBoundUnit (optional)
Query Parameter — list of lower bound units. Only required for currencies different from EUR
upperBoundUnit (optional)
Query Parameter — list of upper bound units. Only required for currencies different from EUR
eventType (optional)
Query Parameter — list of event types for event filtering (see user guide)
minDate (optional)
Query Parameter — list of minimum dates for event filterings (see user guide) format: date
maxDate (optional)
Query Parameter — list of maximum dates for event filterings (see user guide) format: date
countries (optional)
Query Parameter — list of country ISO codes to restrict result set (empty to retrieve all countries)
status (optional)
Query Parameter — list of valid statuses (active, terminated, liquidation)
history (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include historical data
financials (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include financial data
events (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include event data
eventTypes (optional)
Query Parameter — restrict which event types wille be returned if events equals true
maxEvents (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum number of events to return format: int32
relations (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include related company and person data
alwaysResolve (optional)
Query Parameter — true to lookup current state of related company from database
sheets (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include company financial sheets (balance, earnings)
extras (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include extra company data provided by 3rd parties
pos (optional)
Query Parameter — if additional results shall be downloaded, set this to the value of the newPos attribute of the previous response
censor (optional)
Query Parameter — should be set when presenting the content on a public website
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum number of items to return format: int32
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response SearchResults

get /search/v1/suggest
auto complete: provides quick company and person suggestions for given input query

Query parameters

query (required)
Query Parameter — the query string
domain (optional)
Query Parameter — "company" to match companies only, "person" to match persons only, empty to match all
history (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include former company names
censor (optional)
Query Parameter — should be set when presenting the content on a public website
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum number of items to return format: int32
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json
countries (optional)
Query Parameter — list of country ISO codes to restrict result set (empty to retrieve all countries)
status (optional)
Query Parameter — list of valid statuses (active, terminated, liquidation)

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response SearchResults

get /search/v1/universal
universal search: provides best company and person matches for given input query

Query parameters

query (required)
Query Parameter — the query string
domain (optional)
Query Parameter — set to "company" for companies only, "person" for persons only, otherwise leave empty
pos (optional)
Query Parameter — if additional results shall be downloaded, set this to the value of the newPos attribute of the previous response
censor (optional)
Query Parameter — should be set when presenting the content on a public website
offset (optional)
Query Parameter — offset of first item to return format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum number of items to return format: int32
output (optional)
Query Parameter — response format default: json
countries (optional)
Query Parameter — list of country ISO codes to restrict result set (empty to retrieve all countries)
status (optional)
Query Parameter — list of valid statuses (active, terminated, liquidation)
history (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include historical data
financials (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include financial data
events (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include event data
eventTypes (optional)
Query Parameter — restrict which event types wille be returned if events equals true
maxEvents (optional)
Query Parameter — maximum number of events to return format: int32
relations (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include related company and person data
alwaysResolve (optional)
Query Parameter — true to lookup current state of related company from database
sheets (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include company financial sheets (balance, earnings)
extras (optional)
Query Parameter — true to include extra company data provided by 3rd parties

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{"empty": false}


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



A successful response SearchResults


[ Jump to Methods ]

Table of Contents

  1. Address -
  2. AddressHistoryItem -
  3. Attachment -
  4. Billing -
  5. Company - Company
  6. CompanyHistory -
  7. CompanyName -
  8. CompanyNameHistoryItem -
  9. Event -
  10. EventType -
  11. Events -
  12. Extra -
  13. Extras -
  14. Filing -
  15. Financial -
  16. Financials -
  17. FinancialsNote -
  18. FinancialsSource -
  19. GenericResponse -
  20. Money -
  21. Order -
  22. OrderItem -
  23. Person -
  24. PersonName -
  25. Product -
  26. Publication -
  27. PublicationSource -
  28. PublicationStructure -
  29. Register -
  30. RegisterHistoryItem -
  31. Relation -
  32. Relations -
  33. Role -
  34. Role_sharesNominal -
  35. SearchResult -
  36. SearchResults -
  37. Sheet -
  38. SheetCell -
  39. SheetColumnHeader -
  40. SheetRow -
  41. SourceSnippet -
  42. Topic -

Address - Up

street (optional)
String street and house number
extra (optional)
String extra address information (such as c/o)
postalCode (optional)
String postal code
String city
state (optional)
String state
String two-letter ISO country code
lat (optional)
Double geo coordinates, latitude part format: double
lng (optional)
Double geo coordinates, longitude part format: double
formattedValue (optional)
String the whole address in one human readable string

AddressHistoryItem - Up

date (optional)
date since when the referred address is (known to be) in use format: date

Attachment - Up

binary content related to a publication
String name of attachment
String url to download from (link will be valid for 3 days)
String mime type

Billing - Up

number of requests in billing period
periodStart (optional)
date begin of the billing period format: date
periodEnd (optional)
date end of the billing period format: date
numberOfRequests (optional)
Integer number of unique requests format: int32

Company - Company Up

All data for a particular company
String internal company id (do not store this id in an external database, it may change over time)
CompanyName name of the company
rawName (optional)
String May provide the raw name found in register sources before applying normalizations and spelling fixes
Address current address
register (optional)
Register register information
lei (optional)
String International Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
euId (optional)
String European Unique Identifier (EUID)
elfCode (optional)
String current entity legal form code according to ISO 20275
subject (optional)
String subject according to register filing (also called corporate object, purpose, Unternehmensgegenstand), possibly translated
originalSubject (optional)
String subject according to register filing (also called corporate object, purpose, Unternehmensgegenstand), in the original language
originalSubjectLang (optional)
String original language of the subject
proxyPolicy (optional)
String rules for representation by legal representatives (e.g., signatory authority)
segmentCodes (optional)
map[String, array[String]] each property (naics, isic, nace, wz, uksic) contains a list of segment codes in respective standard classification
northDataUrl (optional)
String North data web page for this company
terminated (optional)
Boolean company has been terminated
status (optional)
String current status of the company, where liquidation is the intermediate state before the final removal from the register (=terminated)
history (optional)
CompanyHistory earlier names, addresses, and register entries
capital (optional)
Financials base respectively share capital
financials (optional)
Financials financial performance indicators
mktgTechIndicators (optional)
Financials Marketing and technology indicators (structure same as with financials)
events (optional)
Events relevant events in the history of the company
extras (optional)
array[Extras] extra data provided by 3rd parties
sheets (optional)
array[Sheet] company's financial sheets (such as balance and earnings sheets)
relatedCompanies (optional)
Relations related companies
relatedPersons (optional)
Relations related persons
filings (optional)
array[Filing] external source-specific IDs
blocked (optional)
Boolean company data should not be publicly on the Internet because of a request for privacy protection
lastUpdateTime (optional)
Date last time this company was updated format: date-time

CompanyHistory - Up

names (optional)
array[CompanyNameHistoryItem] name history of a company
addresses (optional)
array[AddressHistoryItem] adress history of a company
registers (optional)
array[RegisterHistoryItem] register entry history of a company
financials (optional)
array[Financials] historical financial data
mktgTechIndicators (optional)
array[Financials] historical financial data

CompanyName - Up

String name of a company
legalForm (optional)
String legal form (for example: A/S, AG, AG & Co. KG, AöR, Co. KG, d.o.o., e. K., e. V., eG, EWIV, gAG, GbR, gGmbH, GmbH, GmbH & Co. KG, gSE, gUG, Inh., InvAG, KG, KGaA, KGaA & Co. KG, Ltd., Ltd. & Co. KG, OHG, PartGG, plc, REITG, S.L., SCE, SCE, SCE mbH, SE, SE & Co. KG, Stiftung & Co. KG, UG, UG & Co. KG, VVaG)

CompanyNameHistoryItem - Up

date (optional)
date since when the referred company name is (known to be) in use format: date

Event - Up

type (optional)
String one of ...
date (optional)
date when it happened format: date
description (optional)
String human-readable description of what happend

EventType - Up

event type (for possible values, see Appendix G of the user's guide)

Events - Up

list of events
array[Event] the list of events

Extra - Up

extra data item, typically provided by a 3rd party.
String common ids are: email, url, phone, fax, vatId, wz
String describing name (for example, "Email" with English language settings, "E-Mail" with German language settigns)
String actual value
String value formatted as an HTML string

Extras - Up

set of additional data, typically provided by 3rd parties.
sourceName (optional)
String name of the source
sourceUrl (optional)
String url of the source
items (optional)
array[Extra] extra data items in this set

Filing - Up

Filings are external IDs that are used by an external source (for example the insolvency filing ID for the Ins source)
type (optional)
String filing type
name (optional)
String complete string
source (optional)
city (optional)
String city (only for German insolvency filings)
String external ID (e.g., 36w IN 3284/16 for insolvency filings)

Financial - Up

single financial number
String type of number (for example, revenue). Please see the indicator reference for a complete list
String name in current language (for example, Umsatz in German or Revenue in English)
Double actual value format: double
unit (optional)
String unit or currency (EUR, % or empty)
estimate (optional)
Boolean true if the value is not exact (because it relies on an estimate or an unsafe determination method)
note (optional)
String optional note or comment with respect to the calculation of the financial
String value formatted as a string (depending on the language settings)

Financials - Up

financial data
date reference date format: date
String date formatted as a string (depending on the language settings)
Boolean true if the financial data refer to a consolidated balance (Konzernabschluss)
source (optional)
FinancialsSource source of financial data
array[Financial] list of financial numbers (maybe empty. If empty, see note for the reason)
note (optional)
FinancialsNote explaining numbers (or their absence)

FinancialsNote - Up

additional explanation of financials (or of their absence)
String explanation as plain text
String explanation as html

FinancialsSource - Up

source of financial data
publicationId (optional)
String internal publication ID
String publication title such as "Jahresabschluss 2015"
date date the publication was published format: date
auditorName (optional)
String name of auditing company
snippets (optional)
array[SourceSnippet] excerpts from the original publication containing the financial data

GenericResponse - Up

newPos (optional)
publications (optional)

Money - Up

amount and currency
String currency (three-letter code)
Double amount as a number format: double
String amount and currency formatted as a human-readable string

Order - Up

result of an order
id (optional)
String string to identify the order
items (optional)

OrderItem - Up

information whether and where a product maybe downloaded
product (optional)
Product product bought
String whether the publication is ready for download
url (optional)
String url to download from (when the status is 'ready')
contentType (optional)
String mime type

Person - Up

String internal person id (do not store this id in an external database, it may change over time)
address (optional)
birthDate (optional)
date Birth date format: date
birthYear (optional)
Integer Sometimes only the birth years is known, but not the exact date format: int32
birthMonth (optional)
Integer Sometimes only birth year and month are known, but not the exact date format: int32
deceased (optional)
Boolean person is known to be dead
northDataUrl (optional)
String North data web page for this person
relatedCompanies (optional)
Relations Related companies
filings (optional)
array[Filing] external source-specific IDs
blocked (optional)
Boolean person data should not be publicly on the Internet because of a request for privacy protection
lastUpdateTime (optional)
Date last time this person was updated format: date-time

PersonName - Up

firstName (optional)
String first name(s)
String last name
title (optional)
String title

Product - Up

a publication that can be bought and downloaded
String string to identify a product when ordering for download
String name of the product
date (optional)
date publishing date format: date
Money cost of the product

Publication - Up

String interne ID
date (optional)
date publishing date format: date
effectiveDate (optional)
date date when published changes became effective (e.g., appointment of new director) format: date
creationTime (optional)
Date database creation time (which is right after the initial publication download) format: date-time
sourceName (optional)
String full name of source
category (optional)
String category under which publication was filed in the original source
originalLanguage (optional)
String ISO language code
language (optional)
String ISO language code. This is different from the original language, for translations only.
String title of publication
northDataUrl (optional)
String North data web page for this publication
text (optional)
String raw text of the publication
html (optional)
String text of publication in HTML format
publisher (optional)
Company company that published this publication
structure (optional)
PublicationStructure result of structural analysis
mentionedCompanies (optional)
Relations list of companies mentioned in this publication
mentionedPersons (optional)
Relations list of persons mentioned in this publication
filings (optional)
array[Filing] external filing IDs (e.g. insolvency filing IDs)
attachments (optional)
array[Attachment] additional binary content such as images or PDF
blocked (optional)
Boolean publication data should not be publicly on the Internet because of a request for privacy protection
internal (optional)
Object additional data used for internal purposes

PublicationSource - Up

Source identifier, for a complete list see Source reference

PublicationStructure - Up

result of the structural analysis of a publication
topics (optional)
array[Topic] topics of the publication

Register - Up

register entry information (e.g., Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 9999)
country (optional)
String register country (two-letter ISO code)
city (optional)
String city of the register court (e.g. Hamburg). Empty for most countries.
String ID of the register filing (e.g. HRB 9999)
uniqueKey (optional)
String unique numerical key for repeatably unique identification of the register entry

RegisterHistoryItem - Up

date (optional)
date since when this registry entry is valid format: date

Relation - Up

relation of a company or person to another company or person
company (optional)
Company Related company (only base data - id, name, address, register)
person (optional)
Person Related person (only base data - id, first and last name, adress, birth date)
description (optional)
String human readable short summary
array[Role] description of the type of the relation

Relations - Up

list of related companies / persons

Role - Up

description of the type of a relation
date (optional)
date date format: date
String description (depending on the current language settings)
detail (optional)
String depending on role and country
demotion (optional)
Boolean true if the relation ends at the given date
announce (optional)
Boolean true if the relation might be preliminary
String internal identifier (for possible values, see Appendix F of the User's Guide)
String internal group identifier
dir (optional)
String Direction. The exact interpretation depends of the value of the field "group". Case "succession" - older company is "Source". Case "merger" - Sold company is "Source", Buyer is target "Target". Case "control" - controlling company is "Source".
sharesPercent (optional)
Double shares in percent format: double
sharesNominal (optional)

Role_sharesNominal - Up

nominal shares
Double actual value format: double
String unit or currency (EUR, % or empty)

SearchResult - Up

company, person or publication that is result of a search
company (optional)
Company company found
person (optional)
Person person found
publication (optional)
Publication publication found
matchedName (optional)
String the matched name (useful if a company has been renamed)

SearchResults - Up

search results
results (optional)
array[SearchResult] list of results
censored (optional)
Boolean true if results have been omitted because of censoring
offset (optional)
Integer offset of result array in all results format: int32
nextOffset (optional)
Integer offset to retrieve next batch of results format: int32
nextPos (optional)
String position to retrieve next batch of results
total (optional)
Integer total number of results (usually, this number is not available, unfortunately) format: int32

Sheet - Up

represents balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and similar structures
array[SheetColumnHeader] list of column headers
array[SheetRow] list of rows
String the kind of financial data reported in this sheet
Boolean true if the financial is consolidated (including dependent companies) or not (excluding)
reporting (optional)
String the reporting standard used
unit (optional)
String unit or currency (EUR, % or empty)

SheetCell - Up

cell of a sheet
value (optional)
Double numeric value format: double

SheetColumnHeader - Up

column header of a sheet
date the date of entries in this column format: date
source (optional)
FinancialsSource source of entries in this column

SheetRow - Up

row of a sheet
String name of row
level (optional)
Integer if the sheet is structured as a tree, indicates the depth of the nesting of this row. format: int32
array[SheetCell] list of cells

SourceSnippet - Up

excerpts from an original publication
String title
String text
contentType (optional)
String content format, usually "text/html"

Topic - Up

topic of a publication
String textual description
value (optional)
String accompanying value (e.g., €100.000,-)
String internal identificator for the topic (for possible values, see Appendix E of the user's guide)